Divergent Evolution of Slip Banding in Alloys. Preprint: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2410.17582

Neural Network to Optimize Alloy Compositions for Advanced Energy Systems.

Link to the paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-47927-9. News article

Ubiquitous short-range order in multi-principal element alloys, Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-49606-1

News article: https://engineering.uci.edu/news/2024/8/atoms-advanced-alloys-find-preferred-neighbors-when-solidifying

Our study on maximum strength and dislocation patterning reported in Science Advances.

Xinyi published a paper on Acta Materialia, revealing the role of SRO on dislocation motion. Congratulations!

DOE BES awarded our research on SRO in irradiated MPEAs. The project abstract was published here.

Our paper published on Nano Letters elucidates the strongest size.

 The picture shows liquid-like clusters in the glassy system that grow as the shear rate decreases. When these clusters are percolated through the material, the system’s overall behavior shows a solid-to-liquid transition. The details are presented in our PNAS paper.