Latest list of publications: Google Scholar
Videos 1, 2 and 3 illustrate the information with one, two, and multiple active slip planes.
Video 1: Video 2:
Video 3:

- Yanming Zhang, Penghui Cao, Binghui Deng, Liping Huang, Yunfeng Shi, “Strain rate-dependent tensile response of glassy silicon nanowires studied by accelerated atomistic simulations”, Journal of Applied Physics 130, 085105, (2021).
- Liming Zhao, Penghui Cao✻, “Temperature dependence of contact quality inducing suppression of stick-slip friction”, Extreme Mechanics Letters 45, 101273, (2021). [PDF ]
- Chunyang Wang, Lili Han, Rui Zhang, Hao Cheng, Linqin Mu, Kim Kisslinger, Peichao Zou, Yang Ren, Penghui Cao, Feng Lin, Huolin L. Xin, “Resolving atomic-scale phase transformation and oxygen loss mechanism in ultrahigh-nickel layered cathodes for cobalt-free lithium-ion batteries”, Matter 4, 1-14 (2021).
- Penghui Cao✻, “How does short-range order impact defect kinetics in irradiated multiprincipal element alloys?”, Accounts of Materials Research 2, 71-74, (2021). [PDF ]
- Penghui Cao†,✻, Kangpyo So†, Yang Yang, Jonggil Park, Mingda Li, Long Yan, Jing Hu, Mark Kirk, Meimei Li, Younghee Lee, Michael Short✻, Ju Li✻,“Carbon nanotube (CNT) metal composites exhibit greatly reduced radiation damage”, Acta Materialia 203:116483 (2021).
- Cheng Zhang, Chaoyi Zhu, Penghui Cao, Xin Wang, Fan Ye, Kevin Kaufmann, Lee Casalena, Benjamin MacDonald, Xiaoqing Pan, Kenneth Vecchio, Enrique Lavernia, “Aged metastable high-entropy alloys with heterogeneous lamella structure for superior strength-ductility synergy”, Acta Materialia 199, 602-612 (2020).
- Lianfeng Zou†, Penghui Cao†, Yinkai Lei†, Dmitri Zakharov, Yang Yang, Eric Stach, Judith C. Yang, Guangwen Zhou, et al., “Atomic-scale phase separation induced clustering of solute atoms“, Nature Communications 11:3934 (2020). [PDF ]
- Han Dong, Dan Wei, Penghui Cao, Yunjiang Wang, Lanhong Dai, “Statistical complexity of potential energy landscape as a dynamic signature of the glass transition”, Physical Review B 101, 064205 (2020).
- Penghui Cao✻, “The strongest size in gradient nanograined metals”, Nano Letters 20, 1440–1446 (2020). [PDF]
- Miaomiao Jin, Penghui Cao, “Revealing the strain effect on radiation response of amorphous–crystalline Cu-Zr laminate”, JOM 72, 868–876 (2020).
- Miaomiao Jin✻, Penghui Cao, Michael Short, “Achieving exceptional radiation tolerance with crystalline-amorphous nanocrystalline structure”, Acta Materialia 186, 587-596 ( 2020).
- Penghui Cao✻, Michael Short, Sidney Yip, “Potential energy landscape activations governing plastic flows in glass rheology“, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences116, 18790–18797 (2019). [PDF]
- Miaomiao Jin, Penghui Cao✻, Michael Short, “Mechanisms of grain boundary migration and growth in nanocrystalline metals under irradiation”, Scripta Materialia 163, 66-70 (2019). [PDF]
- Miaomiao Jin✻, Penghui Cao, Michael Short, “Predicting the onset of void swelling in irradiated metals with machine learning”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 523, 189-197 (2019).
Publications from previous institutes (< 2019)
- Miaomiao Jin, Penghui Cao✻, Sidney Yip, Michael Short, “Radiation damage reduction by grain-boundary biased defect migration in nanocrystalline Cu”, Acta Materialia 155, 410-417 (2018). [PDF]
- Weiwei Tao, Penghui Cao, Harold Park, “Superplastic creep of metal nanowires from rate-dependent plasticity transition”, ACS Nano 12, 4984-4992 (2018).
- Penghui Cao✻, Akihiro Kushima, Karin A. Dahmen, Wendelin J. Wright, Harold S. Park, Michael Short, Sidney Yip, “Nanomechanics of slip avalanches in amorphous plasticity”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 114, 158-171 (2018). [PDF]
- Miaomiao Jin, Penghui Cao✻, Michael Short, “Thermodynamic mixing energy and heterogeneous diffusion uncover the mechanisms of radiation damage reduction in single-phase Ni-Fe alloys”, Acta Materialia 147, 16-23 (2018). [PDF]
- Weiwei Tao, Penghui Cao, Harold Park, “Atomistic simulation of the rate-dependent ductile-to-brittle failure transition in bicrystalline metallic nanowires”, Nano Letters 18, 1296–1304 (2018). [PDF]
- Shaobo Han, Wei Liu, Chao Cai, Penghui Cao✻, Meng Gu✻, “Dumbbell to core–shell structure transformation of Ni–Au nanoparticle driven by external stimuli”, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 36, 1800426 (2018).
- Penghui Cao, Michael Short, Sidney Yip, “Understanding the mechanisms of amorphous creep through molecular simulation”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 13631-13636 (2017). [PDF]
- Penghui Cao, D. M. Wells, Michael Short, “Anisotropic ion diffusion in -Cr2O3: an atomistic simulation study”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 13658-13663 (2017).
- Cody Dennett, Penghui Cao, Sara E. Ferry, Alejandro Vega-Flick, Alexei A. Maznev, Keith A. Nelson, Michael Short, “Bridging the gap to mesoscale radiation materials science with transient grating spectroscopy”,Physical Review B 94, 214106 (2016).
- Xin Yan, Penghui Cao, Weiwei Tao, Pradeep Sharma, Harold S. Park, “Atomistic modeling at experimental strain rates and time scales”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49, 493002 (2016). (Invited topical review article).
- Penghui Cao, Weiwei Tao, Harold S. Park, “Pathways and intermediate states in mechanical unfolding of GFP”, Extreme Mechanics Letter 8, 251–256 (2016). (Special Issue on Nanomechanics: Bridging Spatial and Temporal Scales). Link to paper
- Penghui Cao, Gwonchan Yoon, Weiwei Tao, Kilho Eom, Harold S. Park, “The role of binding site on the mechanical unfolding mechanism of ubiquitin”, Scientific Reports 5, 8757 (2015).
- Weiwei Tao, Gwonchan Yoon, Penghui Cao, Kilho Eom, Harold S. Park, “β-sheet Like during the mechanical unfolding of prion protein”, Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 125101 (2015).
- Penghui Cao, Xi Lin, Harold S. Park, “Surface shear transformation zone in amorphous solids”, Physical Review E 90, 012311 (2014).
- Penghui Cao, Xi Lin, Harold S. Park, “Strain-rate and temperature-dependence of yield stress of amorphous solids via self-learning metabasin Escape Algorithm”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 68, 239-250 (2014).
- Zenan Qi, Penghui Cao, Harold S. Park, “Density functional theory calculation of edge stresses in monolayer MoS2”. Journal of Applied Physics 114, 163508 (2013).
- Penghui Cao, Xi Lin, Harold S. Park, “Strain-rate and temperature driven transition in the shear transformation zone for 2D amorphous solids”, Physical Review E 88, 042404 (2013).
- Xue Ben, Penghui Cao, Harold S. Park, “The effect of planar defects on the optical properties of silver nanostructures”. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, 054313 (2013).
- Terry Delph, Penghui Cao, Harold S. Park, Jonathan A. Zimmerman, “A harmonic transition state theory model for defect initiation in crystals”, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 21, 025010 (2013).
- Penghui Cao, Minghai Li, Ravi J. Heugle, Harold S. Park, Xi Lin, “Self-learning metabasin escape algorithm for supercooled liquids”, Physical Review E 86, 016710 (2012).
- Geng Yun, Penghui Cao, Jonathan A. Zimmerman, Terry Delph and Harold S. Park, “Nonlocal instability analysis of FCC bulk and (100) surfaces under uniaxial stretching”, International Journal of Solids and Structures 48, 3406-3416 (2011).
Book chapter
- Yue Fan, Penghui Cao, “Long Time-scale Atomistic Modeling and Simulation of Deformation and Flow in Solids”, Andreoni W., Yip S. (eds) Handbook of Materials Modeling. Springer (2019) ISBN: 978-3-319-50257-1. [PDF]